So close to Christmas! This year Christmas felt like it snuck up so fast. So different to when I was a kid and it always seemed to take its sweet time.
This is our third Christmas in The Crap Shack and I decided not to put up our traditional-looking plastic tree (which my parents splurged on in the 80s and handed down to me when I moved out of home). Instead we have gone for the ‘dead tree’ look this year, which I love. Just thought I would share some photos. After writing furiously to try to get all my work done before Christmas I finally felt free to do something relaxing and Christmassy and baked gingerbread cookies yesterday... yum! One of my favourite Christmas foods.
Hope you all have a super Christmas and a lovely break! Don't forget calories don't count on Christmas Day people.

ABOVE: Two points to you if you figured out that the little wax seal I stuck onto my sister's pressie was one of the House Nerd ones. What... it suited it! I get these from the lovely lady who runs Sally's Heartful Creations (look them up on Facebook or Etsy) and they are awesome. Maybe as awesome as gingerbread cookies.

Yehh it's Christmas!! Dog Nerd is excited.

ABOVE: I went through a geeky-buying-wooden-things-from-craft-shops-and-painting-them phase when I was 15 (what, didn't everyone?) These little horses I got at one such store and painted. I love horses and buy a couple of horse-themed decorations each year.

ABOVE: Do you like my festive blackboard with wonky handwriting? I found it on the side of the road in Attadale during verge collection and put it in my car boot. Nala approved. I just gave it a fresh coat of chalkboard paint. I love gold frames and I LOVE the chalkboard paint trend! I think I will use this chalkboard in some way at our wedding next year.

ABOVE: I enjoy things that look a little bit demented. I got this handmade snowman for 50c from Melville markets from a girl who looked at me in bewilderment when I asked how much he was, as if she couldn't believe anyone would want to buy him. I like his crazy stare.

ABOVE: I painted this bear onto a bit of a wood when I was 15 (yes, how did you know I never had a boyfriend in high school??) I miss making things and painting stuff. I did it all the time when I was a kid and a teenager and then pushed it aside in adulthood. I realised how much I actually missed it the other weekend when I made a couple of props for our Survivor NYE party, making a huge mess of our dining table and getting glue all over my hands and paint in my hair in the process. It was so much fun, little kid-styles. I've decided that one of my New Year's resolutions is going to be to do creative stuff more often. I'm going to turn one of our spare bedrooms into a place for doing so. I think I've realised that it's important for some people to make time to create and be creative, whether it's through writing, baking, drawing, decorating, gardening, fashion, music.

Christmas baking - gingerbread cookies.

ABOVE: I love how the English decorate traditional homes with hearts so often. My mum handmade these little hearts for me after I told her how much I liked them and gave me the fairy lights (from Typo). The wooden heart was handcarved in Belgium. I got it from Ici et La in Sydney which is an amazing vintage shop. The wares are a bit too dear for me but the heart I could afford!