Did any of you make it along to the WA Architecture Awards my nerds? The professional photos are done – have a look through and see if you made it into a pic! Make sure you click on the Read More link to see all the photos!
Although a pic of me and Meghan appeared in The Post, I sadly am posing in none of these shots below (possibly a good thing, as I drank a lot of champage and have discovered I am remarkably unphotogenic when this happens – more on this with imagery to accompany on the blog tomorrow). However I used my best Where’s Wally skills and spied myself in the group photo, where I appear to be by the drinks table stuffing my face, which is unsurprising. You can check out my full post on all the winners, finalists and commendations here.
I am totally stealing the whole plastic glasses giveaway thing for a House Nerd birthday celebration one day and passing it off as my own witty idea.

Ahh. Nerds.

How good is the Dulux dog?! So well-behaved!

And men, no, I don't have the Dulux girl's phone number.

Click on the link to see more pics from the night!

If you have a stalker, are wanted by the mob or are Patrick McDermott please let me know if you would like your face to be removed from this site and I will very happily use my MS Paint skills to conceal your likelihood with that of someone else. You may choose your new face from any of the four options below.

Yeah I’d stick with your current face. Maya x
But seriously, I can take it off.
You can keep up-to-date with more events like this one by following House Nerd on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.