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A Nice Night-Time Surprise

Posted Tuesday, February 5, 2013 in: Nerd Life

Late last night I was unwinding over some of my favourite blogs and was very pleasantly surprised to see that House Nerd was mentioned in this story over at Homely One! It was accompanied by a photo of my $3 table makeover.

“That table looks familiar…” I thought to myself in that same vague way when you are dazedly wandering about a huge department store and catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and you hazily think, “wow that girl looks just like me” before you realise it is your reflection (hey I did preface this post by saying ‘late last night’. And no I don’t take drugs).

Homely One blogger Amanda – who is also based in WA like me! – is a former primary school teacher and mum to two gorgeous little girls. She writes about her life cooking, crafting, entertaining and creating a beautiful homely abode, piece by thoughtfully chosen piece. Her blog is well-written and very sweet and I love how honest Amanda's writing voice is, whether she's blogging about the ups or the downs. The fact that she also lives in my gorgeous state gives her posts and her photos something of a nice familiarity too. (From our WA sunlight maybe?)

ABOVE: Some sneak peeks into Amanda's beautiful blog. How gorgeous is the cake she made for one of her daughter's first birthdays? It's festooned with tiny homemade daisies.

You can check out Amanda's lovely blog here!

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